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About brillo

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 09/30/1967

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  1. Anyone use alldata, is a plain ole service manual available ? http://alldatadiy.com/
  2. Looks like I'll have to order my 2014 (and pay MSRP) so myes well get the color I want (Grape Ice) ((Grapezilla, Grapezeus, Grapelicious)) ?
  3. Could they be iridium plugs !? http://parts-catalog.acdelco.com/catalog/catalog_search.php
  4. Higher octane than recommended will make your Spark faster, because your pocketbook will be lighter
  5. From what I've read on cruzetalk dot com forums its somewhat common for the Cruze (2012, 2013s) to come from the factory with improperly gapped spark plugs, wonder if the Spark has this issue ?
  6. Having trouble getting a 2014, this could be why (see link) http://gmauthority.com/blog/2013/08/general-motors-reported-to-pull-manufacturing-out-of-south-korea/
  7. A green lynx spider maybe ?
  8. So the A/C is okay at idle ?
  9. Am now thinking sparkanator but people might confuse it with a monster truck http://youtu.be/shxAVTktfT8
  10. Ground clearance must not be much of an issue (good) not seen it mentioned but what gets scraped up in general use, just the under body (chassis) or is it the oil pan, exhaust system too ?
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