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"Certified Pre-Owned" Not So Certified...

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 So... This is the first car I ever purchased of the lot. I'm used to cars having problems. My last car had problems that would pop up non stop like weeds. Bu this has urked me to the point where I want to drive all through the dealership yelling liars! I need advice, people. I need advice bad. I'll label the issues before going into detail. Oh, and the Warranty is still active, but the dealership aren't ones to hold up their ends of deals.


 The aux port hasn't worked since I took the car off the lot. I thought it was my aux cord but nope. I bought 2 different aux ports and even borrowed a few peoples phones to check if it was my phone. The aux port doesn't grip the cord properly, causing static. The paper says the aux port works. I say nay-nay.


 Not sure how to explain this. The tube that connects to the tank isn't on properly, causing a leak at a certain fill point. My mechanic pointed this out and I was shocked. He said it was dealership neglect. Wasn't caused by any accidents because frankly, I never been in one!


 The heat shield is vibrating because the bracket that holds it in place isn't there. Once again, neglect.


 What should I do? Fix this by my lonesome? Pull a classic grandad and throw an unholy nag fit? I'm confused what to do, as the warranty papers say they don't cover any interior repair, knocks, vibrates, squeaks, anything that isn't an oil change or tire rotations. I feel jipped. Help this Tall Lady out!

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I agree with Mr. Tozzi. Few years back when this pre-owned certified car system started in India, I thought this to good way to buy a used car. But couple of things which I learnt are :

1. They put some hidden T&C like warranty will not be given for more than 5 yr old vehicle of their own brand, further for newer vehicle, this is covering very few things.

2. There certification is just filling formalities, they literally doesn't own it. Suppose you mate with luck, they can simply say its old car and this is consumable.

Positive side is, owner is verified (no case of stolen vehicle) and they process the ownership transfer, so you can relax for not going to transport office couple of times.

Though I have bought my spark from one of maruti-suzuki certified store. I opted thus just for above positives and because I got it real cheap. And before buying, I got help from friends and a mechanic (store have arranged) to estimate expenses need to do right after purchase.

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