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  1. We just drove a used 2013 spark home today, but they said it was ready on Tuesday with the completed recall. I was just out of town.
  2. No I couldn't buy it yet, I just left one trade there and drove home in my second trade. As soon as it's cleared we'll do the paperwork and I'll get the car. I even asked if I could sign some kind of waiver saying I know the risk, but they just wouldn't let me buy it. Who ever heard of a car salesman that won't sell a car. For kicks I checked into a different dealership and they pulled up the same info on that VIN. So I'm just playing the waiting game, we're pretty set on the spark after all our research.
  3. I'm actually waiting to buy a used one but I can't until this recall is over. It's already been 7 days. :(
  4. I actually have this same issue, I was going to buy a used '13 spark and they said the recall just came out the day before (7 days ago). He just called me and said he's been on the phone with other dealers and nobody knows the fix yet so they can't sell any of them (it's hood related). If it was a non GM dealership they wouldn't have this issue, it's a GM policy. So I'm also waiting. He did let us test drive it but only on a back road right off the dealership, he made it clear we couldn't go into traffic on a regular road.
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